Free Learn Complete Blogger

Free Learn Complete Blogger

Free Learn About Blogger

In this learning you learn about blogging .How to make and use it.As you know that Blogger is good source of making website.It will make free blog/website and give many sources to user for making blog.Like most of websites that make free websites but for limited time.Blogger did'not take any fee for making blog and it is unlimited.I also make my Website on blogger.I like it and i also recommend it for you.Today every man make their website on blog and after successful website they will buy domain for their website.
      So in this learning i will tell you complete about blogger,what is blogger,which account blogger require to make blog,how to make blog,what is best name and url of blog search engines,which template we choose, which is responsive template,what setting we set for blogger,what setting is best for blogger traffic,how to write post and what is SEO,how we use search description,what is keyword difficulties,how to make to add social icons in blogger,how to index blog in search engines,how to edit HTML and many more.I will also help you if you have any problem regarding blog.If you have any problem ask from me on blog and on facebook.Our classes is following that i will teach you.

1. What is Blogger
                                    More Topics will be Uploaded on Daily bases
2. How to create Google account for Making blog
3. How to create blog for free
4. Overview of Blogger Dashboard
5. How to change Blogger Template
6. What we set is blogger basic settings
7. What we set on post and Comment settings
8. Which setting is best for Mobile and Email settings
9. What is Language and Formatting Settings
10. Which setting we set to Search Preferences
11. How to import,export and delete Blog
12. Blog Other Setting
13. How to create SEO Friendly post
14. How to add labels in Menu bar
15. How to Add Menu and Sub-menu in navigation bar
16. How to add or change Favicon
17. Configure(Customize) Header
18. How to Configure Blog post
19. Google+ Settings
20. Comments Settings
21. Create pages and differences between Pages and posts
22. Blogger Stats
23. How to Add/Remove Gadgets
24. Blogger Default Gadgets
25. Add blog in best Search Engines
26. How to Index Blog in Google search engine
27. How to index Blog in Bing and Yahoo search engine
28. How to index Blog in Yandex Search Engine
29. How to submit Blog sitemap to Google Webmaster
30. How to submit Blog sitemap to Bing/Yahoo Webmaster
31. How to submit Blog Sitemap to Yandex Webmaster
32. SEO Optimize images
33. How to add Facebook page plugin(Like Box)
34. How to edit Social Media link in Blogger Template
35. Webmaster Tools
35. Analytic Tools
36. HTML
37. CSS
38. JavaScript
39. jQuery
40. How to Choose Best Domain Name
41. How to Choose a Best Title and Description
42. How to Choose a Best Keywords
43. Customize Template
44. How to add Google Visitors Tracking Code
45. New interface For Your Blogger
46. Best Theme
47. SEO Keyword Research
48. Make Money with Blog
49. Add Next and Previous Pagination
50. Blog Marked as Spam Solutions
51. Setup a Custom Domain
52. Edit HTML Video
53. Remove Subscribe to Post
54. SEO Friendly Templates
55. SEO Link Building
56. Build an Efficient SEO Strategy
57. Compressing CSS Images
58. SEO Best Tools
59. Google Feed Burner
60. Google Hummingbird,Panda and Penguin Algorithms
61. Many Other

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How to index Blog in Bing and Yahoo

How to index Blog in Bing and Yahoo

How to index Blog in Bing and Yahoo

Helo Friends,i come with new topic how to index blog in Bing and yahoo.Most of peoples want traffic on thier blog but they don"t know how to index blog on searc  engines.You now that after Google,Bing is second biggest search engine and Yahoo is on third.If you not know how to index blog in Google search engine Click here for detail description
  You know that if you index your blog on Bing your Blog will automatically index on yahoo.Yes!  yahoo and bing make this possible.Now come to our topic which is how to index blog in bing/Yahoo.You did not index your blog on yahoo because yahoo did not have any webmaster tools website you can only index on bing which automatically index on yahoo.

Step by Step Method to index blog on Bing and Yahoo:

Step 1) Go to Bing Webmaster

Step 2) Click on  "Sign in"  if you don't have any Microsoft account mak a new one.

Step 3) After log in give your site url and click on add

Step 4) Now verify ownership by copying meta tag and paste after <head> section

Step 5) Now go to Dashboard and click on Add Sitemap

Step 6) Then paste your url and after your url type sitemap.xml for example
Your URL/sitemap.xml

The process of indexing your site on bing/yahoo will start
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